Sunday 5 April 2015

Unity3D Tutorial How do I add sound to Mouse and Keyboard

Unity3D Tutorial How do I add sound to Mouse and Keyboard

Easter video series !


Script 1 Off 3  BackUp Form
THIS IS BACKUP  IN TEXT FORM  TUTORIAL add sound to Mouse and Keyboard

1. Create New java and name it : LeftMouseButton

2. Copy & Past this text and save java : LeftMouseButton

#pragma strict

var shootSound:AudioClip;

 function Update(){
   if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")){


Script 2 Off 3  BackUp Form
THIS IS BACKUP  IN TEXT FORM  TUTORIAL add sound to Mouse and Keyboard

1. Create New java and name it : RightMouseButton

2. Copy & Past this text and save java : RightMouseButton

#pragma strict

var shootSound:AudioClip;

 function Update(){
   if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2")){


Script 3 Off 3  BackUp Form
THIS IS BACKUP  IN TEXT FORM  TUTORIAL add sound to Mouse and Keyboard

1. Create New java and name it : OnKeyDown

2. Copy & Past this text and save java : OnKeyDown

#pragma strict

var shootSound:AudioClip;

 function Update(){
   if (Input.GetKeyDown("f")){



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